Online Diwali festival to showcase talent and celebrations during lockdown
DIA Indian Fest presented by Darmstadt Indian Association was organised on 17th November 2018 in Hessian State Archives in Darmstadt. The event was primarily focussed on subliminal displays of different aspects of Indian culture and cuisine to the general community of Darmstadt.
DJ party organized by the three international clubs (Club Latinoamericano Darmstadt, Darmstadt Indian Association and Tunisian Academic Society Hesse).
An orientation for the new students joining TUD and H_DA, with an aim to help in all possible way essentially needed.
Day trip to kassel (Hessen).
DIA hosted this event in collaboration with the Tagore Centre, Berlin to commemorate the intellectual and artistic contributions of Rabindranath Tagore. Venue: Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt from 5 pm to 8 pm on March 3, 2018 Event began with inauguration by the Chief Guest, followed by a dance-drama originally composed by Tagore. Followed by panel discussion on the theme "Relevance of the Arts in the Age of Science" based upon a dialogue between Tagore and Einstein